Early Bird Form – Looking for a way to have more time with your customers? Complete this “Early Bird Form” and return it to the show office prior to the show opening and we will ensure easy access into the show floor prior to the show opening.
Badge Request Form – Complete your badge request form by the February 21, 2020 deadline in order to save money! Please complete all fields and email addresses to ensure that all staff members receive an invitation to our WHOVA show app.
Buyer List Order Form – For only $100, you can purchase a list from a previous show – please be aware that email address are NOT included. Click here for more details.
Sabbath Observers Form – This form applies ONLY to the companies that do not exhibit on Saturday due to religious observance. In an order to ensure an easy arrival, we ask all Sabbath Observing companies to complete this form and return it to our office. Our team will stop by your booth prior to Sunday morning to ensure that your booth furnishings and booth configuration are set and notify the decorator if there are any issues based off of the information included on this form.
Credit Card Authorization Form – This is an alternate form of transferring credit card information. However, all invoices generated for your company will be sent via email using Bill N’ Pay. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Dupree at (678) 384-9109.